1(a). Cal football's first game of the season at our new stadium. I can't say i care about football as much as Taylor would like me to, but I'll root for anything regarding Cal! 1(b). Finally met this little guy! (I drew his friend Roy the Rhino because I cannot draw people) 3. Celebrated my friend Tiff Foo's birthday by going to a Dodger game 4. the DNC kickoff! 5.Our new office pet 6. learned how to use our dishwasher... it was life changing! 8. Eric proposed to Jen at Twin Peaks! 10. dentist appointment 15. pretty much lived off ling lings the entire week because I was studying 17. Took my second exam! 22. first day of fall.... although it doesn't really start to feel like fall til the first day of winter 23. My newest house plant 25. Taylor got an iphone! 30 (a) mid autumn moon festival 30 (b) noah purifoy foundation
I'm super late in posting my September recap but I was inspired to stick with it when I saw Daphne's awesome September highlights.
September came and went and just flew completely by! The beginning started with another trip to the Bay area, and was buzzing with the start of the sports season (which would have gone completely unnoticed by me except for the fact that Taylor no longer hangs out with me on Saturdays) , and the Democratic National Convention. (Clinton speech = uhhhmaaaaaazing) After that, I went into hibernation and dropped off the face of the planet to prepare for my exam, but was then whisked away to our getaway in Palm Springs shortly after.
My favorite part about this time of year are the mornings. Crisp and cool, not deathly cold yet (by California standards anyway). For some reason something in me really loves leaving the house while it's still dark. The sunrise over the clouds during my morning drive to work have been pretty spectacular.
Here also, are July and August recaps if you missed those!
when I saw Roy the Rhino's sketch I thought..hey! We have the SAME doll! :) hehe i love your drawings!! (btw, did you get the picture I emailed you w/ Z? i don't know if it went through b/c my email was being dumb.) AND you should get an iphone too! or at least join instagram through taylor's phone :P
omg melody, teach me how to use the dishwasher when you come over next week, please :)
Aw, sorry about your loss to Stanford on Saturday!
(Sorry, I had to comment on that).
Anyway, I love your month updates! Such adorable drawings!
whoo! shoutout!
Melody, your sketches are so awesome!! Do you use a particular program to do the sketching? I love the water-color feel. I'm all game to learn to illustrate like that! :D
Sighhh I wish there was Autumn in Singapore!! Jealous of the great Fall weather you guys must be having. How's the French cooking coming along by the way? :D I'm sure you'll be awesome at it!!
so talented, wish i could produce something as delightful as these illustrations. your anniversary trip pictures are incredible too - thanks for sharing! xox
I always love your monthly recaps, they're so cute! And your anniversary photos look amazing, happy belated anniversary! We have lots of mountains in Hong Kong too but they sure don't look like that!!
Love your monthly recaps! I wish I can get myself to doodle more, I tried doing a 30 day drawing challenge but never finished. haha. And yay to learning how to use your dishwasher!
Btw, I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award :) For more details: http://www.char-sd.com/2012/11/versatile-blogger-award.html
Hope you're doing well!
so cute!
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